Post-doctoral position

Mikhail Gorsky takes part in the CHARMS project! He is now a post-doc at the LAMFA in Amiens.


Upcoming event

From 29th May to 31st May 2024, conference "Catégories amassées et symétrie miroir" at IRMA in Strasbourg. Site at IRMA

Past event

From 27th November to 1st December 2023, conference "Current trends in representation theory, cluster algebras and geometry" at CIRM in Marseille. Site du CIRM

Upcoming or recent talks

Exposé de Claire Amiot au Séminaire FD

Le jeudi 2 juillet à 15h : Derived equivalences for skew-gentle algebras

Opper, Plamondon and Schroll described a geometric model for the derived category of gentle algebras. In this talk I will explain how to use this model to get one for the derived category of skew-gentle algebras. The main tool is the use of the skew-group algebra structure of the skew-gentle algebras. This is a collaboration with Thomas Brüstle.

Rencontre de lancement du projet

Cette rencontre virtuelle aura lieu le vendredi 3 juillet, à partir de 9h30.

Exposé de Bernhard Keller au Seminaire d'algèbre de Sherbrooke

Le mercredi 8 juillet à 16h : Catégories triangulées additivement finies, d'après Riedtmann...

A Krull-Schmidt category is additively finite if it has only finitely many isoclasses of indecomposable objects. The study of additively finite triangulated categories has a long history which starts with Riedtmann's work in the early 80s. In chronological order, some further contributors are: Auslander-Reiten (1986), Happel (1987), Xiao-Zhu (2005), Buan-Marsh-Reineke-Reiten-Todorov (2006 in combination with K 2005), Amiot (2007), Krause (2012), Hanihara (05/2018) and Muro (10/2018). In this survey talk, we will summarize some of the most important results with particular emphasis on Muro's recent work.